Smart industry
The fourth industrial revolution is here. Are you ready to transform your business?
Industry 4.0
IIoT, Smart Manufacturing or Smart Industry are current terms that can be used to refer to this trend as well.
Industry 4.0 combines physical production and operations with intelligent digital technology, machine learning and big data to create a more integrated and better connected ecosystem for companies that focus on manufacturing and supply chain management.
New technologies allow us to create the feeling that machines are evolving to be «aware» of the human beings around them, provide new interfaces such as smart tools, augmented reality and contactless interfaces, for easier and safer interactions. Machines are also connecting within the factory and to the cloud, allowing optimal planning and flexibility in manufacturing and maintenance.
The coordinated work and the cooperative character between different technologies mean that the development and improvement of each one generates an exponential improvement to the rest of these technologies.

Big Data and Analytics
In the industrial environment, Big Data enters fully into the management and analysis of huge volumes of data that cannot be treated in a conventional way. This data can come from sensors, microphones, cameras, websites, social networks, etc.
Autonomous robots
Autonomous robots open up a host of possibilities on which the factories of the future can build. The symbiosis between employees and robots generates a perfect interaction throughout the transversal processes of an organization.
Simulation allows you to eliminate the costs of classic «trial and error». The new tools allow the experience gained in reality to be added to the virtual model, so that it is redefined over and over again until the optimal production line is found.
Digital systems
SCM, ERP, MRP, CRM, CMS platforms to which employees, collaborators, customers and suppliers have access. The challenge to be solved is the integration of these systems, external and internal, that manage essential parts of the company.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Using low-energy, wide-range sensors, IoT technology collects variables, makes measurements, collects data that a human being is not capable of obtaining, and allows you to be focused on making decisions with the information that IoT collects from your environment.
The advancement of technology opens the door to new attacks that do not have to do with the theft of information, but with taking control of those elements of the factory that are connected. The growth of Industry 4.0 must go hand in hand with an increase in investment in cybersecurity.
Cloud Computing
By moving storage and task execution to the cloud, we save storage costs and increase process efficiency. Cloud computing can be used in a multitude of environments, from the use of virtual desktops to complex processing in data centers.
3d print
Additive manufacturing makes it possible to manufacture parts from the superposition of layers of different materials, taking a previous design as a reference. Prototype manufacturing is radically simplified, opening up a range of possibilities to increase the efficiency of industrial processes.
Augmented reality
One of the points with the greatest future development in the creation of interactive environments in smart factories, improving human-machine interaction, gives us the possibility of being present and communicating but also that we enjoy other things at a visual level
Remote expert support with Augmented Reality
Comprehensive solution for communication with experts, supervisors, specialists, validators, sharing video and audio in real time and with tools and devices that, thanks to Augmented Reality, facilitate remote support and execution of activities.
Reduction of response times, reduction of costs and travel, better traceability and monitoring of work, better quality and fewer errors, increased productivity, with evidence of the work carried out.
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It allows communication with experts, internal or external, in real time, to resolve incidents, advice on start-up processes or support in maintenance tasks, improving response time without travel .
Occupational Safety and Prevention
Communication and interaction with the Occupational Safety team, to carry out verifications of working conditions, risk prevention, audits or accident investigation, generating evidence without traveling.
Product Validations
Remote collaborative work with clients or suppliers, for the design and validation of products or verification of the work carried out, generating evidence of the verifications carried out.
Step by step instructions
Support to employees with step-by-step instructions in the execution of processes (maintenance, quality checks or PRL, line changes, etc.) and help in video format, photos, plans, etc.
Prevention of occupational hazards
Notice, registration of compliance and traceability of mandatory PPE in some areas or when performing certain operations. Action protocols in Occupational Risk Prevention.
Traceability and audit
Generation of evidence (photos, videos, audio) in the execution of processes and auditing of the work carried out by subcontractors and employees, including times incurred, date, time and persons in charge.
Collaborative and coordinated work
Collaborative work in processes that include various roles of employees who must act in a coordinated way to advance the work to be done.
Digital instructions
Comprehensive solution for the design and execution of all the organization’s processes, with step-by-step digital instructions and real-time monitoring of active processes. All the information at the service of the connected employee when he needs it.
For a live presentation or demonstration talk to our executives.
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